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Ernest Ullmann Park Recreation Centre

Minto Road, Morningside Manor and Alma Road, Wendywood, Sandton, Johannesburg, South Africa.

Furnished Morningside Room to Let 1 April 2025

Self-catering double bedroom with shared bathroom in Morningside Manor.  Wi-Fi.  Carpeted, fully furnished and serviced including laundry. Close to shops and bus routes.  R5500/month for 1 person.  Call/WhatsApp/Telegram 082 389 3482, e-mail us, or click here.

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Ernest Ullmann Park is the public park and Recreation Centre serving Wendywood, Gallo Manor and Morningside Manor.

To get there, follow signs from Bowling Ave or Ridgeway Road.  Click here for map or  View in Google Maps . Alma Road Entrance: GPS -26.079609, 28.07376, Minto Road Entrance GPS -26.07862, 28.07397

Directions: On Bowling Avenue, going south towards Sandton, pass Morning Glen Mall on your right through the traffic lights at Kelvin Drive. Turn right onto Blackford Road at the very next set of traffic lights. At the T-junction, turn left into Ridgeway Road. Follow Ridgeway Road to its end and then turn right into Murray Ave and immediately left into Minto Road. Minto Road runs into the park. Parking is on your right (3 entrances).  Office Tel. 011 802-3309 / 6921, Fax 011 804-5598.

Numerous activities for adults and children are held in the many rooms and halls –see below.  The park also has a (currently non-functional) tea garden.  An African church group meets in the recreation hall on Sunday mornings.

The extensive (7 ha) property was bequeathed to the City by Sandton's famous sculptor, Ernest Ullmann:  The large thatched building was his home and studio during his lifetime.  Several of his sculptures (pictured below) can be seen in the grounds (one was stolen some years ago).

The park abuts the Sandspruit ("Sand stream") and forms part of the Sandspruit Urban Hiking Trail in Sandton.  It is a popular venue for wedding parties, picnics, elections, minor bird-watching, walks, and dog walks.

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This page is offered as a service to the community since the official Ullmann Park web site was discontinued due to budget cuts by the City of Johannesburg ("A Third-World-Class African City"!) – please e-mail us web page corrections or to advertise.  Do NOT contact us for Hall Bookings, Park Enquiries, and the like; instead contact park staff, details directly below.


Office Staff: Hall Bookings, Park Enquiries

Park Staff: Telephone 011 802 3309, 011 802 6921 Staff, 011 027 2139 Bookings, Fax 011 804 5598 – Sam Mathye, Thomas Makhubele, Paul Baloyi, and Kgomotso Lefifi. Portia 079 433 9524 for Marlboro Hall bookings.
Postal Address: PO Box 1263 Gallo Manor 2052
Physical Address (two entrances): Minto Road, Morningside Manor, and Alma Road, Wendywood, Sandton. Contact: Kgomotso: e-mail

Friends of the Park: c/o Jenny Rahme 011 883-2885 / 082-559-6355, e-mail and Rose Johnson, 082 784-1933, e-mail. Rose has done wonderful work in sprucing up the park, getting equipment, and reversing the long-term neglect by Joburg City Parks.  Jenny is now running the Friends of the Park. Donations of money, time, and equipment are welcome!  Any donations?  Also see News below...

Each activity charges its own Membership Fees.

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Furnished Morningside Room to Let 1 August 2022

Single Room with half-bathroom (shower, basin, toilet), in house in Morningside Manor.  WiFi.  Carpeted, fully furnished and serviced including laundry. Close to shops and bus routes.  Call 082 389 3482, e-mail us, or click here.

Tea Garden

The Family Tea Garden (pictured below left) is not operating at present.  It is hoped it will reopen with new management.  See News below.

Children’s Activities

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Activities for Adults and Children

Activities for Adults

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Map of Buildings:  Back to top

Wendywood Sports Club: Back to top

Wendywood Sports Club is located at 89 Darwin St (corner Fleming St), Wendywood, Sandton. Bookings for the two interleading halls at Wendywood Sports Club are made through office staff at Ernest Ullmann Park Recreation Centre.

Nearby: Back to top


Meeting on the Future of Ullmann Park, Thursday 17 October 2013

Concerned residents attended a meeting at Ernest Ullmann Park to consider the future of the Park and its Recreation Centre. The City of Johannesburg has a Draft plan to privatise the Norscot Manor Recreation Centre.  The report mentions various other parks including Ernest Ullmann Park.  Our alleged "world class" city has no money for the maintenance of parks in well-to-do areas, and leaves everything to the residents.  There is now concern that, not content with spending nothing on the parks, the City wants them to generate income too, and will consequently lease or even sell off parks.  There was much discussion and several appeals to the community to be proactive before the City springs something on us.  Finally it was decided to put together a committee to make proposals for the future of the Park.  To join or contribute to the committee, e-mail Jenny Rahme or Syd Land.  Read the Sandton Chronicle report here.

News Update by Rose Johnson, 30 September 2010.

Mr. Syd Land, a resident of the area has now become involved in the Park with plans to create a river walk and generally tidy up the river and be involved in the Park.  Thanks to him the old empty pond is being filled up and we hope to grass it. We will be working to create a better park all round.

The Coffee shop will be open for tenders in about 8 months time due to the illegal sale of Ullman land in JPC. The land has to be got back into the City's name via the Courts. We are still waiting for bins in the park area and more benches as we lost two in the summer flood.

News Update by Rose Johnson, 28 April 2010.

With the rains and the strike, keeping the Park cut is a nightmare for us and the Parks Dept. depot.  All the timetables have gone awry and are way behind so it is going to take a while for things to catch up and the park to look good again. Please be patient.

For almost two years we have been trying to get the Coffee shop sorted out and have one that is a credit to the Centre. There is finally a light at the end of this long dark tunnel.  It will then go out to tender so those who put in proposals long ago take note and contact me.

Ullman Park  hosted 'Jamaica Day'  at the beginning of April with the Jamaican Assoc. of SA and H. E. Mr. Audley Rodrigues, the Jamaican High Commissioner.  A great day and we hope to have them back.

News Update by Rose Johnson, 30 November 2009.

Additions to the 'thank you' list of donors:

News Update by Rose Johnson, 10 November 2009.

Dan Hunt and his Sandspruit team have now done 5 river clean ups along Ullmann and continue to help.

Also: Standard Chartered Bank have done their 3rd day-long volunteer visit to Ullman, two in the garden and one painting a studio.

News Update by Rose Johnson, 21 September 2009.

Much has happened since I came in May 2008. After a year of harassing the Council to do much needed maintenance to the buildings. The roof has been re-thatched, the jungle gym was cut out of the trees and fixed, the jungle around the pond was cut away - lots of aliens, bugweed, bush and creepers. Took an entire crew 5 days and truckloads taken away. We discovered we had aloes which were completely overgrown.

Four river cleanups have made a huge difference to the banks, aliens down, dead trees removed and manhole in the North corner cleared. These were all done by Dan Hunt and his Sandspruit team. He has been an amazing supporter of Ullman and has offered to plant the trees Parks are supposed to be giving us.

I got 5 benches from Parks for the field area but am still waiting for the bins to go with them!

We reclaimed the fenced off field back from the coffee shop. They had claimed half the Public Open Space for themselves. The building is an eyesore and the owner has been given notice and is currently illegally occupying the premises, storing his goods in the building. I made him remove his rubbish, bricks sunk into the grass and now await for the Council to take action and remove him so that we can get someone that will be an asset to the Centre and not the current liability.

We dug up all the flowerbeds round the house, composted and replanted them all. I brought plants from my garden.

During the last year we lost two big trees, one next to the studio and one big stinkwood on the top lawn. A disaster as these provided shade for the clivias. We have now had to move them to the shady areas.

In July 2008 Standard Chartered Bank came with 15 volunteers and they cut down two huge clumps of wild bananas. One outside the art room door and one in the corner of the bed near the small room. We found it had a window hidden behind the huge growth.! Last week they came again. Thank you, Standard Chartered Bank!

The main braai has been repaired.

New gutters were put up in places and a small wall built at the side of the verandah to keep the water out.

The dangerous electrical box in the middle of the lawn in front of the fishing club was moved –to a pole and not to the concrete blocks as requested.

The hall floor which was down to bare wood and splinters was sanded and varnished as well as the floors of the two small studios. A new kitchen was put in, in the courtyard and we finally got the taps in the cloakrooms fixed. They ran for all the time I was there in spite of changing the washers 3 times. The urinal in the hall men's toilet is STILL running!

A new door and frame was put in, in the art room and left bare wood. Thanks to Mr. Sidersky's credit a sealer was purchased and the door is now painted and sealed.  New metal awnings replaced the dreadful canvas ones.  The hall showers –disgusting– were cleaned and painted.  Some of the electrics in the house were fixed and lights put up and a big one in the field.

The staff quarters had ceilings put in, their rooms painted, their bathroom tarted up and the precast wall was raised round their courtyard so that you don't look into their rooms as you drive in and they have privacy.

In order to achieve all this I asked for help from the Ullman community in the form of money, plants, equipment etc. and generous people responded. See scanned page.

Mr. Sid Sidersky and his family all came to work in the garden with me one Saturday and he then offered me a R5000 credit at his hardware store for future needs. This is an amazing gesture. One problem - I need hands.

Dan Hunt and his Sandspruit team have done all the river cleanups, one with Parks and three with just us. He has been an amazing support providing the transport to remove the debris and offering to plant trees that Parks are going to give us.

The lawnmower came from Morningside Shopping Centre Developers.  Garden tools were donated by Webco Tools.

Now that the place is looking good people are coming back and the jungle gym area is now popular for children's parties and Cadbury's had their Christmas party on the front lawn.

There is still a lot to be done but with the Metro it takes a loooong time.

The re-thatching, new awnings, new small kitchen cupboards, the electrical work so far, floor sanding and other minor repairs were paid for by the Council. Thank you Mr. Nico Laubsher.  

Ullman is hosting the SPCA World Animal Day on 4th October, 09:00 – 13:00. Sandton SPCA are the organizers. Prizes for best dog collar, treats, fun etc. If anyone wants details the Centre has a poster on the notice board and pamphlet in the office.

For a full list of the other sponsors as at September 2009, please click here (PDF file).

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Ullman Park from Sandspruit

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©2008-2025 Megaplex (Pty) Ltd. All rights reserved. Contents may be used for reference purposes, as long as credit is duly given. – Page Created: 25 April 2008 – Last Updated: 03 January 2025. Contact Webmaster.

Common misspellings for Ernest Ullmann Park Recreation Centre: Earnest Ulmern, Ernst Ulmann, Erneast Ullman, Uhlmann, Uhlmenn, Ullmenn, Ulmen, Uhlman, Uhlmann, Ullmen, Uhllman, Uhllmann