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Megaplex's monthly newsletter alerts you, the Sandton shopper, to all that is new, fresh, and exciting in Sandton: Strathavon, Woodmead, Sunninghill, Paulshof, Petervale, Rivonia, Morningside, Morningside Manor, Gallo Manor, Wendywood, Kelvin, Buccleuch, Duxberry, River Club, Parkmore, Bryanston, Benmore Gardens and the Sandton CBD! We aim to bring you the best bargains, the most interesting restaurants, the liveliest shops, useful tips, civic information, all with a touch of irreverent (or irrelevant!) humour. Because we are independent, we're not afraid to tell you where things don't work, of products that are harmful and places that have a bad attitude. Some have threatened to sue us, but we still tell it as we see it! To see any previous issues of the newsletter, click here (new pages):
November 2009,
December 2009.
You can also see weak jokes and alleged humour from back issues of the newsletter, here. To subscribe to the newsletter, please click here and send the resulting email. You can unsubscribe safely at any time. Would you like to contribute a shop- or restaurant review, a joke, or something else noteworthy for this Newsletter or the web site? Please e-mail us. When we publish any article of yours we give you full credit as the author (unless you ask for anonymity). "Shopping in Sandton" is sent out by megaplex.co.za. This is the world's largest and most detailed web site of shops, restaurants and other businesses in Woodmead, Rivonia, Morningside, Morningside Manor, Gallo Manor, Wendywood and Petervale, . Users who e-mail businesses from the site are invited to copy the e-mail to us; in return they are subscribed to the newsletter. Sandton businesses! You can advertise in the newsletter and on this site, including a web page of your very own, at very reasonable rates. To advertise, please contact us or see this page.
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31 December 2024.
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