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The Checkout
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KRAV MAGA Instructors:
Mike & Walter SMS or phone 084 211 8888
Mon & Thu above Car Service City, off Witkoppen Rd. Paulshof, near Cambridge Crossing. |
Links to Other Pages:
Megaplex Home – Overview of Shops, Facilities, and Accommodation in Northern Sandton.
Shopping Centres in Sunninghill:
The Square
Sunninghill Village
Sunhill Shopping Centre
Chilli Lane Shopping Centre
Chilli Lane Shopping Centre
Chilli on Top Centre
The Core
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Shopping Centres in and near Bryanston:
Cramerview Village
Nicolway Shopping Centre
Coachman's Crossing
Grosvenor Crossing
Hobart Grove Centre
Bryanston Shopping Centre
Riverside Shopping Centre
Hurlingham Pick 'n Pay Centre
Bryanpark Shopping Centre
Shopping Centres in the Woodmead area:
Wendywood Centre
Woodmead Value Mart
Woodmead Super Value Centre
Woodmead Commercial Park
Woodmead Retail Park
Woodmead Square
Dunwoody Centre
Kelvin Village
The Bridge, Buccleuch
Other Shops and Shopping in Woodmead
Get Your Business Running Better!
The skills shortage is a big problem! De-skill your business and preserve knowledge by putting your expertise into
computer software, giving step-by-step processes for staff to follow.
Software Africa can help!
e-mail or call 082
389 3482/1
Shopping Centres in Central Sandton:
Grayston Shopping Centre
Atholl Square Shopping Centre
Sandhurst Centre, Rivonia Rd
Shopping in and around Rivonia:
Rivonia Central
Rivonia Village Centre
Rivonia Junction
Mutual Mews
Early Dawn Mall
Shops in Central Rivonia
Shops in Northern Rivonia
Cambridge Crossing
Petervale Shopping Centre
Shopping Centres in Greater Morningside:
Morningside Shopping Centre
The Wedge, Morningside
Morning Glen Mall
90 Degrees on Rivonia
Morning View
Benmore Gardens
Shops in the Morningside Area
You Can Speak in Public Without "Ums", "Ahs" and "You-Knows"!
Transformers Toastmasters meets 2nd and 4th
Monday of each month at Morningside Country Club, de la Rey Road, at
18:45. Aspiring speakers are welcome! Contact Judith Taylor on 082 389 3481 or |
Restaurants in Rivonia,
Codfather Village of Restaurants,
Restaurant reviews for Rivonia
Morningside Restaurant reviews
Other Places of Interest:
Sandspruit Hiking Trail,
Ernest Ullmann Park Recreation Centre,
Montrose Nursery Garden Centre and Gia's Coffee Shop |

We are open 7 days a week and offer “Fresh Haircuts” even in Winter,
when we warm you up with a cup of coffee! We also have other value-added services and specials. Please call 011 803 5015
for more information. We are down in the lower level in the main block down the escalators. Plenty of parking in the
Basement in Sunninghill Village.
For more, email Fay. |
The Wedge, owned by the Government Employees Pension Fund, was previously
managed by the Public Investment Corporation Property Division, later renamed to PIC Properties. Under their mismanagement and
lack of promotion, tenancy declined until the centre was more than half empty.
New Centre Management and a new Marketing Agency have now taken over,
respectively doing no apparent management and no visible marketing.
was originally intended, it seems, to demolish the entire centre and rebuild
it from a hole in the ground, as was done with the Morningside
Shopping Centre. Plans have since been scaled back to just increasing the
parking, probably by digging out the upper parking level and putting a lower
level in beneath the current ground level.
Nothing has yet happened on site, except that most of the tenants were told to vacate (see the many shops that have closed in The Wedge,
listed below). The centre is now perhaps a quarter
occupied. With the scaling back of the redevelopment, this appears to have
been a mistake, as shops can carry on trading. We are told that one of the
anchor tenants signed a lease in a nearby centre in anticipation of moving, and
now finds that they will have to run both shops.
In contrast to its thriving fully-tenanted competition up the road, The Wedge
seems a classic case of how to run a shopping centre –into the ground!. Pity the
Government employees whose pension money has gone down the drain! Yet it
has so much going for it: Great location, easy access, visibility, lots of
space, lovely view over the suburbs, and copious free parking.
In the last month we added a new page to the Megaplex site: for Sandhurst
Centre, 60 Rivonia Road (entrance in Protea Road), Sandhurst, Sandton.
This small centre serves Sandhurst, Inanda, Illovo, and the southern Sandton CBD. There are
two fast food restaurants, a gym, and a few other businesses. There is adequate uncontrolled free open-air parking, with
a little shade. Security staff are in evidence. The gym may be upstairs, though the entrance is on the
Ground floor on the extreme right as seen from the parking. The
other businesses and both the restaurants are on the ground floor:
Onewaystreet Custom Tailors and Fashion Designers
Corporate wear, suits, wedding dresses, Matric Dance Outfits, Kiddies Costumes and
Wear, Traditional Outfits/African print resellers and all kinds of alterations. Bulk orders. Call MV at 011 075 3087, WhatsApp
073 735 3357– e-mail web site |
Odd Jobs
Being an Executor is an exacting business: You're constantly splitting heirs.
New on the Block, Movers and Shakers Back to top
- Little Scholars Pre-Primary School, 12 Satara Avenue, Gallo Manor near Morning Glen Mall – Nurturing, loving environment, where every child matters! Integrated private and government school curriculum. Age 4 months - Grade 00 (5 years old). Morning snack and cooked lunch. High teacher to learner ratio. Half Day to 14:00, Full Day to 17:30. Passionate, experienced and qualified teachers, Owner managed, Variety of extra-mural activities.
- David Britz Biokineticist (Suite 2), 1st Floor in Sunninghill Village – Biokineticist (Reg.) & Qualified Sport Scientist.
- Mi Power, Shop G01B, Ground in Rivonia Junction – LED lighting, standby power applications: Solar power, diesel and petrol generators. Solutions from 5 to over 2000 KVA.
- Gienius Kiosk, Lower Level in Nicolway Bryanston.
- JJ Cale Tobacconist, Shop U29, Upper Level in Nicolway Bryanston – Men's gifting. Electronic cigarettes. Addictive and unhealthy tobacco products. Smoking accessories. Candles.
- Old Khaki, Shop L44, Lower Level in Nicolway Bryanston – Men's and Ladies' clothing: Shirts, Jeans, Shorts, Trousers, Jackets, Knitwear, Shoes, Accessories, Bags, Wallets, Belts, Scarves, Hats, Sunglasses, Tops, Dresses, Belts, Scarves, Sunglasses, Scents, Jewellery.
- ABSA Bank, now a full bank in Nicolway Bryanston – Banking, Forex & ATM.
- Adidas Factory Outlet - Ladies, Shop 8, Ground in Woodmead Super Value Centre – Expanded into the former Reebok shop next door, but will revert to Reebok.
Get a FREE Loyalty Card that Gives you up to 5% Cash Back!
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We will reply with your personalised invitation to apply on-line. |
Restaurant Review
by Judith Back to top
***** Luca's Ristorante Italiano, Rivonia Crossing 2, Achter Road off Witkoppen Rd, Paulshof
A very special night out after a successful trip to Bloemfontein and a good
sense of timing, as we went when the rugby was on. This meant the place
was quiet!. Drinks were hot chocolate, Spritzer and Buiten Blanc.
Sylvester impressed immediately by knowing what a Spritzer was. Mains were
fresh River Trout, Lasagne and a medium Frutti de Mare Pizza. The latter
produced the remark that, "if this is medium, how big is the large?"
The trout came with spinach and was excellent. The lasagne was
pronounced very good. For once, we made space for dessert and ordered
Cheese Cake, a Double Choc Crunch and a Banting Choc Almond Triangle. All
were approved by the person ordering. My Choc Almond Triangle lasted until
Sunday lunch, it was such a generous helping, and my trout is still going!
Sylvester's service was on the ball. Great value for money and great place for a special meal!
Contact Details for Luca's Ristorante Italiano.
Funny Language, English...
If you say "My tolerance is up", do you mean "My
tolerance level is high, do carry on" or "My tolerance is all used up, if you carry on I'll moer you!"?
Advertise in this Monthly e-Newsletter from only R190/month!!
5,969 subscribers, many of them dedicated Sandton Shoppers! e-mail us, or
click here. |
- Morningside Post Office in The Wedge, Morningside. One of the Post Offices that issued vehicle licence disks.
- IFA, in The Wedge, Morningside – Independent Field Advertisers, the network marketing division of Clientèle Life.
- Mochachos, Shop 16 in The Wedge, Morningside – Mexican-themed Chicken Restaurant, also did take-aways. Spicy but not hot. Tastiest chicken, chicken burgers and Mexican meals like Burritos and Fajitas in town.
- Global Photographic, Shop 24-26 in The Wedge, Morningside – (previously Universal Image) Photographic shop, photo processing, digital copy and print, blockmounting, digital cameras, memory cards, large array of telescopes.
- Zen Hot Yoga in The Wedge, Morningside – The Edge Office Block. May be relocating to Hot Yoga Studio in the Hobart Grove Shopping Centre in Bryanston, Corner of Hobart & Grosvenor Roads, about 29 June.
- Babor Beauty Spa, Shop 10 in The Wedge, Morningside – "Mo Beautiful You". Facial treatments, spa body therapies, body, hands and feet, nails, lashes, waxing,
- Charlmers Biokinetics in Sunninghill Village – Was 1st Floor
(Suite 2).
- Maneki, Shop U05A in Nicolway
Bryanston – African arts and crafts, homeware. Designer & Manufacturer of Cutlery, Jewellery & Arts.
- 8ta Mobile from Telkom, Shop L02 in Nicolway Bryanston – Cell phone services.
- Red Rabbit French Grill, Shop U24 in Nicolway Bryanston – Grilled French rabbit? Were open 7 days a week, now apparently closed
- Yankee Candle (has become JJ Cale), Shop U29 in Nicolway Bryanston – Candles: large, medium & small jars. Fragrances, car jars, signature reeds, concentrated room sprays.
- Altech Autopage Cellular, Shop L03 in Nicolway Bryanston – Cell phones and accessories, cellphone contracts, upgrades.
Wanted: Dynamic Software Tele-Salesperson!!
Sell QuickBooks
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of products – AutoCAD and the Suites, the world's most popular and
versatile engineering, architectural and artistic design software.
Basic salary, generous commission, and the prospect of growing with the company.
e-mail us your CV. |
Civic News: OUTA Petition Back to top
OUTA, now renamed as the "Organisation Undoing Tax Abuse" has started a
petition asking the ConCourt to make Zuma pay back all the money.
Once the Constitutional Court approves the National Treasury's report,
President Jacob Zuma will have 45 days to pay the R7.8m he owes for his Nkandla
home. South Africans are saying that is not enough. We are
petitioning the Constitutional Court to make him pay back to the taxpayers the
entire R246 million that paid for the upgrades in the first place. South Africa is done with corruption and bad leadership.
Please sign and share so we can create awareness about what the country
Not With Battery, though
Julius says that, if Jacob is short of energy, he probably needs to be recharged.
Civic Appeal: Help the FMF Improve Legislation
Back to top
Parliament has appointed a High Level Panel to investigate the
impact of legislation in the following areas:
a. The challenges of poverty, unemployment and inequality;
b. The creation of, and equitable distribution of wealth;
c. Land reform, restitution, redistribution and security of tenure;
d. Nation building and social cohesion. The High Level Panel aims to identify laws that require
strengthening, review and/or amending. It will make recommendations to
The Panel has called for submissions from the public by 20 August
2016. The
Free Market Foundation (FMF) is a longstanding NGO that promotes true economic
freedom, which research indicates is the best way to uplift a country.
The FMF plans to make 10 to 15 submissions to the High Level Panel in the areas
of businesses licensing, energy, expropriation, finance and taxation, health
including NHI, labour law including the national minimum wage, land reform,
small business inhibitors, and special economic zones. Given the tight deadline,
much of this work will need to be contracted out. They would appreciate it if
you could consider an ad hoc donation: The budget is R375,000. If you
would like to help, please
Gail Day (FMF Executive Manager) on or phone her on 011 884 0270 / 076 836 5661.
Overheard at the Checkout
"Your cough sounds better!"
"Not really
{cough}: I'm coughing more."
"I meant that you were getting
well practiced at it!"